
Advertising Disclosure and Disclaimer

Written by
Henning Taeger
Last Update on Jun 11, 2024

DollarGeek is an advertising-supported comparison service which receives financial compensation from some of the financial providers whose offers appear on our site. This compensation may impact where these products are placed or ordered on our pages. We make efforts to present the best possible deals available to the general public, but we make no warranty that such information represents all available and existing products.

DollarGeek is not endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education but looks to provide you with the most accurate information for educational purposes. DollarGeek is not a lender, broker or investment advisor. DollarGeek is not involved with your application, underwriting, credit or investment process for any product. DollarGeek does not provide legal, accounting, investment or financial advice. If you are looking for financial help you should contact a financial professional before making any financial decisions. We may receive a transaction fee when a user selects a product listed or recommended on our website. 

DollarGeek uses compensation to keep the website free and running to help you better understand your personal finance options. DollarGeek strives to present you with the most options possible, but we recognize we cannot include every financial company or product available on our website. Although we try very hard to keep our rates and products up to date, you may find the rates you see on DollarGeek’s website may be estimates or different than what you see on the providers website at any given time. The rates may also differ from your final rate and terms, which is based on a variety of factors such as your credit score and what the lender or financial services provider seeks fit.

DollarGeek’s editorial content is independent analysis and has not been approved, endorsed or certified by any lender or financial institution or third party. DollarGeek conducts independent research and provides no warranty.

Our goal will always be to provide you clarity on all things money. We strive to be efficient and extremely user-focused so you can have a clear understanding of all your financial options and make the best financial decisions.

Henning is a writer and editor here at Dollargeek who is passionate about personal finance, pets and cryptocurrency. He enjoys sharing his knowledge about financial management with readers, helping them make informed decisions about their money. In his spare time, Henning can be found playing the latest video games or jamming on his guitar. He is constantly on the lookout for new ways to improve his financial literacy and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the world of finance.